by Wayne de Beer | Jul 5, 2019 | Blog, Tutorials |
Getting digital builds to look good is always a mission and although Bricklink has gone to great lengths with their renderer.. it can be better. Inside the render engine The engine has 5 light presets: Building Mechanic Asteroid Dawn Piazza Building and Mechanic uses...
by Joe Kirsten | Jul 30, 2018 | Blog, Tutorials |
Information about the Pick-a-Brick (PAB) stock in the Sandton City LEGO Certified store. Information from the store is correct as of 21 September August 2018, 15:00. Should you visit the store and see that something has changed, please send me an email...
by Paul Doran | May 31, 2018 | Blog, Tutorials |
The zaLUG Landscaping Standard (LS) is a standard, modular way of doing landscaping to facilitate large collaborative displays. The zaLUG landscaping standard is based on Please read it for a better understanding of what a landscaping...
by Paul Doran | May 16, 2018 | Blog, Member Contributions, Tutorials |
Brick walls can often look quite boring. Using the following SNOT elements, walls can be given a bit of character. In different combinations the above elements can be used to create a variety of SNOT elements. SNOT elements allow us to add parts to the side of wall....
by Wayne de Beer | Nov 8, 2017 | Blog, Tutorials |
Hey LEGOholics The S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier is such an iconic vehicle and a really cool set, but we don’t always have the space and cash for such a monster. Introducing the mini Helicarrier! It’s a fun (and cheap) little build that we can all add to our...
by Wayne de Beer | Aug 16, 2017 | Blog, Tutorials |
Howdy LEGOlogists! Today we are talking figs of a different kind. Miniland is the scale and style that LEGO uses for their displays at their themeparks and are completely brick built. Building one is easy and customizing is a lot of fun, so let’s get to it shall...