Yes, SNOT Cube.. although it sounds like something a 4 year old would construct it’snot (I know that joke is lame but it’s the best one I’ve got). On with the building!

You will need:

  • 4 Travis Bricks
  • 6 2×2 plates
  • 1 2×2 jumper (alternative bottom)
  • 1 2×2 round tile with hole (alternative bottom)


Take a 2×2 plate and flip it over, attach 2 Travis Bricks like below. Build 2 of these.


Place the 2 assembles from the previous step back to back and attach the rest of the 2×2 plates to the sides of the cube.


You should then end up with an all-sided cube ready to make cool things.

This is a great core for many things, but if you need to attach your cube to other studs it can be a problem. Luckily there is a way to get it done..

Alternative Bottom

Remove the bottom 2×2 plate and replace it with a 2×2 jumper and attach the 2×2 round tile with hole in reverse to the jumper.

The cube is now attachable 🙂

Let your imagination fly and experiment with the cube.. here I have built 2 Sci Fi inspired containers to show it’s potential. With the single stud connection at the bottom, it allows you to rotate the object you built to any degree for a more natural placement of object in your scene.

Drop us a comment and share your creations on our Facebook page. What will YOU build with the SNOT Cube?