Application to host a display event

Some intro text please Tony, in the meantime, here’s some Trump Ipsum. You have so many different things placeholder text has to be able to do, and I don’t believe Lorem Ipsum has the stamina. You’re telling the enemy exactly what you’re going to do. No wonder you’ve been fighting Lorem Ipsum your entire adult life. Lorem Ipsum is unattractive, both inside and out. I fully understand why it’s former users left it for something else. They made a good decision. When other websites give you text, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending words that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing mistakes. They’re bringing misspellings. They’re typists… And some, I assume, are good words.

    Your details

    We need these details to have a single point of contact. Often, there is miscommunication or uncertainty between the event organiser, sponsor, landlord and other affected parties. We prefer to deal with one person when putting together an event.

    About the event

    Tell us a little bit about the event, and how you see our role in making it a success.

    Is this, or are you planning for this to be an annual event?


    How are you marketing the event to get visitors to attend?

    Are you marketing the event on any other platforms?

    Does the event charge an entrance fee?

    Practical considerations

    When zaLUG members displays their models, we require the event organisers to supply tables, electricity, parking / offloading space close to where the event will take place. Please give us more practical information for the day of the event, which will help us plan.
    Will you provide trestle tables and black tablecloths for members?

    Will there be free parking for displaying members?

    Can you provide electricity?

    Can you provide overnight security for multiday events?

    Can you provide a scale floor plan for the display area?

    Are you inviting other LEGO User Groups to exhibit at the event?

    Are you inviting other organised groups to exhibit the event?

    Previous events

    Click on the shortcuts below to view some of our previous events.

    zaLUG display event at Sandton City

    zaLUG display event at Sandton City

     On 29 and 30 April 2023, zaLUG was very pleased to once again exhibit at Sandton City. This is the second year we have displayed at the shopping centre but this time we went a whole lot bigger! In fact, this was the largest Lego event ever in Johannesburg based...

    zaLUG at Comic-Con Africa 2022

    zaLUG at Comic-Con Africa 2022

    zaLUG displayed at the third Comic Con Africa from 22 to 25 September 2022. Much larger than previous years, this year had something for everyone!   zaLUG exhibited their fantastic builds and sets over four long days, and enjoyed every minute. With our exhibition...

    Display at Clearwater Mall, 2022

    Display at Clearwater Mall, 2022

    It has been two years since zaLUG had our annual exhibition at Clearwater Mall, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown restrictions. So, when I say that we were all very excited about one of zaLUG’s best yearly two-day-event-with-all-things-LEGO, it feels highly...

    GBC Special Project display 2022

    GBC Special Project display 2022

    On 30 July, the South African LEGO User Group, or zaLUG, was invited by Hands on Tech to display its GBC (great ball contraption) special project at the Gauteng South Provincial competition finals of the South African chapter of the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) which...

    zaLUG at Sandton City, March 2022

    zaLUG at Sandton City, March 2022

    With our first in-person display event in more than 29 months, we exihibited at Sandton City on 26 and 27 March 2022. The exhibition marked the start of getting back into the swing of exhibition season with 22 tables filled with Lego goodness. Both exhibitors and the...

    Brickfair 2019

    Brickfair 2019

    Another year, and another Brickfair done and dusted! This year was a big year for Brickfair 2019, as the event became independent, and moved spaces from the mall basements of The Grove and Irene, to the clean airconditioned halls in one of the largest malls in South...

    Comic Con Africa – 24-27 October 2019

    Comic Con Africa – 24-27 October 2019

    Comic Con Africa celebrated their second annual convention in style at Gallagher Estates on the long weekend of the 21st – 24th of September.Much larger than previous years, this year had something for everyone!  Including the all the Lego Fans.That’s...

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